Five tips for setting attainable New Year’s resolutions

‘Tis the season for change. New Year’s resolutions are fun to set, but after the first week of working toward your goals, it’s easy to fall off the bandwagon and revert to old habits. Make this the year you set and keep your New Year’s resolutions by utilizing the following tips. 1. Focus on the

By |2024-01-04T16:06:33-06:00December 28th, 2018|Categories: Health and Wellness, Topics|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Five tips for setting attainable New Year’s resolutions

BCBSNE’s workplace wellness program works well for employees

Jillian Ridpath was exhausted. As a chemical dependency nurse working the night shift, Ridpath drank caffeinated beverages to stay awake, went home too tired to cook and used food to cope with the stress of her job. All three factors led to her decision to look for a new position at a different company. Improving

By |2018-12-14T08:34:08-06:00December 27th, 2018|Categories: Health and Wellness, Topics|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on BCBSNE’s workplace wellness program works well for employees

Adopt-a-Family program creates special connection for BCBSNE employee

A phone call, a blessing and faith created a special bond between Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska (BCBSNE) employee Michelle Jackson and local senior Rose Cloud. Jackson and Cloud met through the Salvation Army’s Adopt-a-Family program, which pairs families and seniors in need with volunteers who donate gifts to make the holidays special.

By |2018-12-21T14:35:13-06:00December 21st, 2018|Categories: Community Engagement, Topics|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Adopt-a-Family program creates special connection for BCBSNE employee

BCBSNE employee finds leadership, personal growth opportunities at work

When Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska (BCBSNE) employee Todd Doering started in the claims department 10 years ago, he knew he wanted to work towards a leadership position. “I think, just naturally, my strengths are with decision making and process improvement,” Doering said. Working for BCBSNE wasn’t his original plan, however. After earning

By |2018-12-14T09:29:45-06:00December 20th, 2018|Categories: Team Blue, Topics|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on BCBSNE employee finds leadership, personal growth opportunities at work
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63 BCBSNE volunteers ring bells for the Salvation Army

If you dropped change into a Salvation Army red kettle in Omaha Friday, Dec. 14, odds are good you interacted with a Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska (BCBSNE) employee. BCBSNE had 63 employees volunteer as bell ringers at 10 locations for the company’s annual Salvation Army bell ringing day. Many of this year’s

By |2018-12-17T13:19:24-06:00December 17th, 2018|Categories: Community Engagement, Topics|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on 63 BCBSNE volunteers ring bells for the Salvation Army

Spirit of giving is alive and well

The holidays are a time for giving; giving to friends and family, and giving back to the community. One of the ways the employees at Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska give back is through the Salvation Army Adopt-a-Family program.  Since 2000, departments throughout the company have adopted families and seniors in need. With

By |2018-12-17T08:39:53-06:00December 11th, 2018|Categories: Community Engagement, Topics|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Spirit of giving is alive and well

Don’t be afraid to ask about bladder issues; you’ll learn physical therapy works wonders

It started about six years ago for Joan. After hip surgery, she slowed down — drastically. Along with a lack of exercise and fear of falling, she also suffered from incontinence. Incontinence can be caused by problems with the muscles and nerves that help the bladder hold or pass urine. One in four women suffers

By |2018-12-11T10:44:27-06:00December 10th, 2018|Categories: Health and Wellness, Topics|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Don’t be afraid to ask about bladder issues; you’ll learn physical therapy works wonders

NET’s Good, Healthy Life series looks at wellness programs

Good, Healthy Life is a new series produced by NET in partnership with Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska (BCBSNE). The series explores health care in the country, how the system got to be where it is and how consumers can navigate it. They are examining the causes of illnesses, how Nebraskans can prevent

By |2023-06-07T15:04:10-05:00December 6th, 2018|Categories: Articles, Health and Wellness|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on NET’s Good, Healthy Life series looks at wellness programs
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KETV Family Festival provides family-friendly fun despite snow and ice

Snow and ice blanketed Omaha over the weekend, but the weather didn’t put a damper on the family-friendly fun at the KETV Family Festival Sunday, Dec. 2. The KETV Family Festival, an Omaha Holiday Lights Festival event, offered community members free entrance to five local attractions, including the Omaha Children’s Museum, Omaha Police Mounted Patrol

By |2018-12-05T09:33:37-06:00December 5th, 2018|Categories: Community Engagement, Topics|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on KETV Family Festival provides family-friendly fun despite snow and ice

5 tips for having a healthy and safe holiday season

The hustle and bustle of the holidays makes it easy to forget to slow down and take care of yourself. Enjoy the holiday season while staying healthy and safe by using these five tips from Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska’s (BCBSNE) wellness team. 1. Find seasonal activities that get your body moving It’s

By |2023-12-04T15:36:52-06:00December 4th, 2018|Categories: Health and Wellness, Topics|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on 5 tips for having a healthy and safe holiday season
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