The Omaha Press Club honored Steve Martin, CEO emeritus, as the 156th Face on the Barroom Floor. The fun-spirited roast held on March 22 included quips from Susan Courtney, executive vice president, operations; Karen Aman, BCBSNE board member; W. David Scott, co-founder, Tetrad Property Group and Terry Kroeger, president and CEO, BH Media Group and president and publisher, Omaha World-Herald. Humorist Mary Maxwell served as emcee and Marcia Cady, Omaha Press Club past president and BCBSNE media relations manager, delivered the welcome.
When the Press Club’s restaurant opened in 1971, members decided to celebrate the people who give journalists something to write about. The first honoree was Mayor Gene Leahy, followed by NU football coach Bob Devaney. Also among the elite 156 – Tom Osborne, Warren Buffet, Rose Blumkin, Clayton Anderson, Johnny Carson and Alexander Payne. Almost all have been caricatured by artist Jim Horan.
The drawings are unveiled during a roast and toast of the honoree. They are then placed on the floor to be walked on and admired until they are framed and join the other caricatures that now cover the club’s walls.
Steve’s caricature, another Horan creation, depicts Steve holding the cross and shield (with artistic liberties!), protecting BCBSNE’s members, with Blue Cross Centre in the background.