During his time at Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska (BCBSNE), Ben Rose has learned how to take his wellness to a more comprehensive level.

“Wellness, to me, is having the ability, energy and drive to be able to do the things in life that I want and need to do,” said Rose, director of sale and operations. “This includes having the physical wellness to be active, the mental wellness to be able to be what I need to be with work and family and the spiritual wellness to be able to keep perspective and a sense of peace with everything going on.”

Rose uses the convenience of the wellness center at BCBSNE to keep his well-being at the forefront.

“In 55 minutes over lunch, I can make sure that I’m getting the needed activity to keep me going,” he said. “If I can get down there at some point during the day, I have more energy, I think clearer and I’m better equipped to handle any situation that I come across.”

He makes the trip to the wellness center at least four times a week, but also stays healthy through other avenues.

“I try to make time to focus on at least one area of wellness every day,” said Rose. “Whether it’s reading a book, taking some quiet time to just think while doing dishes or mowing the yard or doing something active with the kids.”

When he was not able to go to the wellness center due to the pandemic, he stayed active by running outside, playing tag with his daughters and helping others stay moving, such as going out and biking with neighbors and playing basketball with friends; however, he knew he still had to focus on his mental health.

“One of the main things I did was limit the amount of negative information that I was exposed to daily,” said Rose. “I did my best to stay informed but avoided reading any sort of information that would be unhealthy or lead to unhealthy thoughts. Also, my daughters helped me a lot. There is nothing better for perspective than family and friends.”

That’s what keeps him going on his wellness journey: his family.

“I’ve always been training for an event, a race or the next season,” said Rose. “I’m still doing that, but now the event is being able to bike ride with grandkids, to ski and hike in retirement and to be able to walk my daughters down the aisle. I know that in order to be able to live the fullest life in those regards, I need to make sure I’m developing patterns to take care of myself today.”

To read more stories like this one, visit Health and Wellness.

*Wise & Well is a monthly wellness series highlighting BCBSNE employees and their dedication to health and wellness.