Show yourself extra love by scheduling your annual health exam, because love doesn’t have to cost a thing. If you have an Affordable Care Act (ACA) health plan, annual exams and other preventive services are covered at no cost to you, once a year, when you see an in-network doctor or health care provider.
What is an annual health exam?
Preventive care is the focus of health exams, and they should be performed at least once a year. They are intended to prevent diseases, other health problems and help you make informed health decisions. Annual health exams are part of the preventive services all ACA health plans must provide with no out-of-pocket costs to you. These visits may include:
- Discussion of your health history and health habits
- A physical examination
- Shots and immunizations
- Screenings (medical tests)
- Education and counseling
Why is it important?
Seeing your doctor and getting an annual health exam can help detect health problems in the initial stages when they are easier to treat or stop them before they occur, so you can spend more time with your loved ones and do the things you enjoy.
During your visit and depending on your age, risk, gender and family history, your doctor may recommend the following screenings, which are also covered at 100% when done by an in-network provider.
- Blood pressure screening
- Cervical cancer screening
- Cholesterol screening
- Colorectal cancer screening
- Diabetes screenings
- Mammograms
- Lung cancer screening
- Tuberculosis screening
For a full list of preventive health services for adults, women and children visit
Early detection of some cancers can increase survival rates up to 35%. Be proactive with your health and keep up with your checkups and screenings. For more information on what services ACA health insurance plans cover, visit
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