Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska (BCBSNE) was proud to sponsor the Omaha Storm Chasers Thank You Tuesday games at Werner Park throughout the 2021 season.
Each of the 10 Thank You Tuesday games honored employees in different industries who have been serving the community on the frontlines of the pandemic, including:
• Government and community
• Health care providers
• Emergency response
• Law enforcement and military
• Facility and food service
• Caregivers and teachers
• Transportation and warehouse
• Financial and insurance
• Information technology
• Utility and construction
All fans were encouraged to stop by BCBSNE’s table to get some fun giveaways and a face-to-face “thank you” during the games.
“Thank You Tuesdays have been a wonderful way to celebrate frontline workers across many industries, show appreciation for their service to our community over the past year and ‘thank you for letting us be part of your story,’” said Ally Thomson, brand manager at BCBSNE. “Getting out to a baseball game on a mid-week summer evening was a treat for many families. It was truly an honor to connect with them, witness their joy and hear about how Team Blue has been there for them when they needed us.”
On Tuesday, Aug. 10, everyone at Werner Park said “thank you” to transportation and warehouse personnel, including Doug “Driver Doug” Palank, who drives for Arrow Stage Lines. Palank shared his health journey with BCBSNE earlier this year and met his BCBSNE nurse care manager in person for the first time at the game (pictured together).
“It was a pleasure to be able to bring a few family and friends to the Thank You Tuesday game; meet my nurse care manager, Kelly, in person; and be recognized for my work as a motorcoach operator,” said Palank. “I drive teams like the Omaha Storm Chasers around all the time, but it’s not as often I’m a guest of honor! It’s always fun to go to a Storm Chasers ball game! Seeing the video we worked on together on the big screen was pretty cool too.”
Another member honored at one of the games was educator Kelly Schulz. She and her 3-year-old daughter Natalie (pictured) and her two older children attended the July 20 game honoring caregivers and teachers.
“The pandemic has impacted me professionally working as a teacher in our public schools,” Schulz said. “Having this afternoon out to take in a baseball game with my family and connecting with other teachers across the state was so appreciated. Thank you for supporting teachers in Nebraska!”
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