Each year, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Nebraska (BCBSNE) employees give their time and talent through United Way of the Midlands’ annual Day of Caring. This year, on Aug. 25, teams and individuals from nearly every BCBSNE department painted, cleaned, did yardwork, sorted food and clothing – and even ripped up outdated books to be recycled. Of the 700 Day of Caring volunteers from 30 companies throughout the metro, 299 were BCBSNE employees.
“For showing a consistent commitment like this with the United Way of the Midlands, we were honored to be awarded the statewide 2017 ServeNebraska Step Forward Award for volunteerism in the category of Corporate Community Volunteer,” said Marjorie M. Maas, BCBSNE director, corporate social responsibility.
United Way of the Midlands nominated BCBSNE for the award, and it was presented on Oct. 27. In their nomination, United Way said, “Blue Cross Blue Shield has consistently contributed thoughtful and caring employees to the needs of not only United Way but to the community as a whole. They take their responsibility to their community seriously, their employees are committed to making positive change in the lives of those living in poverty.”
“Our company has a solid reputation of making it a priority to ‘openly embrace our communities’,” said Brenda Wichman, BCBSNE vice president, member service, and BCBSNE’s 2017 United Way campaign chair. “That’s one of our core values, and to us, that’s more than just words on a piece of paper – it’s in our DNA.
In addition to Day of Caring, we’re extremely engaged with the annual campaign. We raise money to support the work of United Way because we know United Way is making a positive difference in our community. They serve those living in poverty, helping people improve their lives and move toward financial stability.”
BCBSNE has been a strong supporter of the work of United Way for more than a decade. “Thanks to our employees, our company is one of United Way’s leading donors,” Wichman said. “Our United Way campaign is a great source of pride for all of us at Blue Cross. We’re thrilled to be recognized by United Way for our leadership as one of their Top 50 Company Campaigns.”